Why blogging is essential for your small business

If you run a small business but have yet to set up a blog on your website, now really is a golden time to do so. Blogging can genuinely benefit your business. In fact, B2B companies that blog regularly receive an incredible 67% more leads than those that don't, according to Hubspot.

Maybe you've been stuck for time, or don't consider yourself a good writer, but the stats show if you make blogging a priority, you are 13 times more likely to see a positive return on investment than if you stay blog-free.

Still not convinced? Maybe these will change your mind…

Increase customer loyalty

Blogging is a great way to give your company's perspective on relevant subjects. Everybody reading your posts is a potential customer, so if they like what they read, they are more likely to share it with friends and come back for more. Relevant blog posts will result in more visits to your website and visitors will see you as a useful resource. This increased awareness of your company could lead to a potential increase in sales. Isn't it time you started blogging?

Become an expert

Business blogging allows you to carve a name for yourself and your company as an expert in your industry. Show off your expertise and become the go-to authority within your sector. If you don't have the time to plan and create blog posts, hire a freelance writer to do the work for you, we are a great investment!

Keep Google happy

Anybody with an online presence is a slave to the search engines, but the key to keeping Google happy is to create new content, on a regular basis. Blogging is one of the quickest and easiest ways to do this. Aim to blog weekly to ensure that Google is picking up fresh content — I offer reasonably-priced blogging packages that include content calendars, to ensure you have new content going live regularly.

Free publicity

Done well, blogging can gain your company free PR. By working to become an expert in your field (see above), you can be interviewed by journalists looking for comments on stories. This extra attention can result in a greater awareness of your company and therefore a better chance of turning visitors into customers.

Improve your social media footprint

As a small business owner, you might be aware that social media presence can benefit your company. However, social media can be time-consuming and difficult to navigate if marketing isn’t your forte. By blogging news and information, you can populate your social media platforms with relevant stories, meaning greater engagement and brand awareness. If you need some social media help, get in touch.

Target keywords and phrases

Have you ever thought about search engine optimised (SEO) content? If not, don’t worry, I'm here for you. SEO content can help boost your ranking in search engines and therefore increase the amount of relevant traffic your website will attract. A good place to start is to research what people are searching for and write related blog posts. For example, if you're a mortgage provider, there were 320* searches in Google for 'best mortgage deal' in March 2016, so perhaps focus on that or if you're a clothes shop specialising in wedding attire, there were 8,100* searches for the phrase 'what to wear to a wedding' in the same month. Your blog is the perfect place to focus on the keywords and phrases your research raises. Always write posts that people are already searching for; it'll make your life much easier.

* figures according to keyword planner

Think longer term

It's all well and good covering every new story that appears to be relevant to your business, but consider whether that's the right approach for your company. Instead, think longer term and post 'evergreen' blog posts. These are posts that will always be relevant and people are always likely to search for online. These types of posts are a fantastic way of plugging any gaps in your blog schedule and are more likely to produce higher traffic levels overall.

If you're keen to set up a business blog, email me at katy@katyratican.com for prices.

This article originally appeared on LinkedIn.


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